Cincom Support Desk - Uploading/Downloading large files (> 40 mb)

Cincom Support Desk - Uploading/Downloading large files (> 40 mb)

Uploading/Downloading large files (> 40 mb)

The Customer Support Portal and Outlook have a limitation of 40 mb for attachments.  There are occasions where a log file or other large file needs to be sent to Cincom Support or Cincom can make a Hotfix, Patch or some other large file available to you for download.

These two methods are recommended, using FileZilla or Microsoft OneDrive.


FileZilla®, is a free FTP solution. The FileZilla Client not only supports FTP but also FTP over TLS (FTPS) and SFTP. It is open-source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

To use FileZilla you will need your Cincom Company Id and FTP Password.  As a new Customer, your Welcome to Cincom letter contains this information.  If you don’t have this information, please contact Cincom Support at and provide your Company Name.

To Use FileZilla follow numbered steps as in the image;

Download and Install from URL.  Choose the free version.

                1.        Enter

                2.        In Username enter your CompanyId

               3.        In Password enter your FTP assigned password.  

               4.        Select Quickconnect – this should log you into your company specific Cincom FTP site.

To copy a file from Cincom (patch, hotfix, etc.) to your PC/Server follow these instructions.

             5.        Copy to directory: A default directory (usually your user directory).  You can navigate to a different directory.  This is the directory that you want to copy to.

             6.        Copy from directory: A default directory will be displayed.  Navigate to the directory you wish to get the file you want to transfer.

             7.        Select the file you want to transfer and drag & drop into 8.

             8.        The file will be transferred to this location at the completion of the drag & drop.

To copy a file from your PC/Server (log files, etc.) to Cincom follow these instructions.

5. Copy from directory: A default directory (usually your user directory).  You can navigate to a different directory.  This is the directory that you want to get the file for transfer.

6. Copy to directory: A default directory will be displayed.  You can navigate to a different directory.  This is the directory that you want to copy to.

8. Select the file you want to transfer and drag & drop into 7.

7. The file will be transferred to this location at the completion of the drag & drop.